The charts are the graphical representation of the organizational structure of a company or organization that reflects, in outline, the position of the areas that comprise it, its hierarchy, lines of authority and advice 1 . Therefore, taking into account that the charts are very important and useful for companies, production enterprises, commercial, administrative, political, etc., And that all those involved in its design and development should be aware of the different types of charts and what features each has, in this article presents a classification based on the classifications of two authors, in order that the reader can get a better idea about the various types of charts and their general . Type of Organization: Based on the ratings raised by Henry B.Franklin (in his book “Business Organization”) and Elio Rafael de Zuani (in his book “Introduction to Management Organizations“), I offer the reader the following account of organizational classification: 1) By their nature, 2) purpose, 3) by its scope, 4) for content and 5) for presentation or graphic layout. 1. BY NATURE: This group is divided into three types of charts: Microadministrative: They correspond to a single organization, and can refer to it globally or mention any of the areas that comprise 2 . Macroadministrativos: They involve more than one organization 2 . Mesoadministrativos: one or more organizations consider a single sector or industry specific.Note that the term mesoadministrativo corresponds to a convention generally used in the public sector but can also be used in the private sector 2 . 2. BY PURPOSE: This group is divided into four types of organization: Report are thus called to the organizational structure is designed with the goal of being made available to all public, ie as information accessible to non-specialists 3 . Therefore, one must express the parts or units model and its relationships of lines and advisory units, and be plotted on a general level when they are organizations of a certain size 3 . Analytical: This type of organization aims at the analysis of certain aspects of organizational behavior, as well as certain types of information presented in an organization that allows the advantage of the macro or holistic view of it, such are the cases of analysis a budget, distribution of plant personnel, in particular expenditure items, wages, informal relations, etc.. It targeted people specialized in the knowledge of these instruments and their applications 3 . Formal: This is defined as such when it represents the operating model of a planned or formal organization, and is written instrument of approval. For example, the organization of a corporation is considered formal when the same has been approved by the Board of SA 3 . Casual: It is considered as such when representing their model does not yet have planned the writing instrument of approval 3 . 3. FOR YOUR AREA: This group is divided into two types of organization: General: Contain data representative of an organization to certain hierarchical level, according to their size and characteristics.

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