Medicine Matters

Initially used in statistics mainly in the field of socio-economic sciences and demography, as it inevitably made the researchers more deeply engaged in matters of medicine. Characteristic in this regard is the work of the Swiss mathematician engaged in both medicine and Daniel Bernoulli's "Experience a new analysis of mortality caused by smallpox, and the […]

Personal History

Then do not Small wonder that the achievement becomes time-consuming with unpredictable results. Where already here to take the motivation and confidence in success! You probably know that about 95% of our actions – this unconscious behavior, the implementation of our programs the subconscious. About this a lot written and said. Whence do these programs […]

Learning Process

The time period of a person’s learning is has the same duration of that person’s life. therefore the acquisition of new knowledge alone finish with the disappearance it individual. 5,1 Learning and Memory To understand the memory human being are one of the important tasks of the psychological research and the cognitivos psychologists. The learning […]

Social Communication

To all the dear people who had encouraged in them, believed and contributed so that this victory if became reality in our life. This Is about a survey research of the descriptive type, whose objective is to identify to the necessity of implantation of the service of psychological planto in the clinic-school of psychology of […]

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