Archive for March, 2019


Nutritionists and dietary medicine specialists know that losing weight consisted of a simple formula: balance between calorie intake and the Elimination of calories. This means that, if more calories are consumed through food we eat than those that burn, weight gain occurs. Reduce food eaten causes the opposite, there will be a loss of weight. […]


Today circulates a film which argues that one can visualize the House of your dreams, with tennis court, countless rooms, the inevitable swimming pool and be happy when that occurs. In this article development the theme of material wealth as an objective of thought and reflections that schema generated by me. That type of display […]

Chests Of Drawers. The Attractiveness Of Any Home .

In fact, all of us have some questions. Among them are long-term, for example, to buy their own homes, and short-term, for example to find anything on your dinner. And there is a problem forever, which for life in general can never be satisfied in full. And among them setting their apartment or cottage. At […]

ESL Success

In an e-sport, I spent over 7 years. During this time, much practiced, played and talked with many people who participated many times in major tournaments (such as WCG, ESWC, ASUS CUP, CPL, ESL, DreamHack, etc.) and achieved good results. All this has allowed me to accumulate a lot of experience from which I created […]

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