
Nutritionists and dietary medicine specialists know that losing weight consisted of a simple formula: balance between calorie intake and the Elimination of calories. This means that, if more calories are consumed through food we eat than those that burn, weight gain occurs. Reduce food eaten causes the opposite, there will be a loss of weight. Women performing regular diets low in calories to lose some kilos quickly use this concept to justify their behavior. Evaluation of fat and muscle weight the belief that nutrition experts argue is correct but only partially.

Muscle weight is the same that is lost by reducing calories. This refers to the tissues which burn fats and are metabolically active, something that people did not want to suffer. It is a type of body tissue that occurs with time and effort. Diets based on limited calorie intake not only cause a faster return weight when diets above, but which also cause the loss of valuable muscle fat burners. The muscles which burn calories are essential. The best and only way of staying healthy while working in fat loss is to perform strength training. Some women worry if you spend much time in the gym lifting weights, since they fear seen as men (with intelligence body), large and bulky. In reality, a large, rugged and burly appearance isn’t easy for men.

However, it is even more difficult for women due to their low levels of testosterone. Strength training actually helps you lose weight. Even helps women achieve body formed and firm looking. Working the muscles and fat at the gym which should be the first order to attack the weight? Well, the biggest muscle group are the ideal place to concentrate. This group includes the buttocks, the upper part of the body, the back and legs. What happens with groups of? small muscles? For those that have the time to work these groups, do so. Routines must contain between 10 to 15 repetitions. Of course, much more difficult is the level, better. This activity helps build muscles effectively, but you must be careful to avoid injury. Muscles need nutrition during the course of the muscle generation. This includes giving muscles protein of high quality along with other appropriate nutrients. Cardiovascular exercise studies reveal that the interval training offers more benefits. Those who run on tapes for hours can be pressed the off button right now. Leave the tape and replace it with a training interval improvement by 25 per cent fat loss. In terms of effectiveness for fat burning, try this type of program of lifting weights with intervals that alternate high intensity aerobic activity or other movements with periods of recovery, having to walk at a steady and slow pace. However, for those who plan to run marathons, this is a completely different method. For best results, interval training should practice at least of three to five times per week.


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