Harvest Time When Wage Harvesters

Acres for the annual earnings: harvest time when wage harvesters Kempten, October 2009. In a few weeks, the hired worker must earn her annual salary: many of the seasonal workers are from afar traveled to make their income during harvest time. “The film DVD SOS combine harvester: harvest time when wage harvesters” shows in an impressive manner, how this strenuous time at a Daudenzeller wage company in Baden-Wurttemberg with modern agricultural technology is mastered. “SWR brought the film report SOS combine harvester” in his TV program: AgrarVideo.de has now acquired the licensing rights to the agricultural documentation and distributes the farm film titled SOS combine harvester: harvest time when wage harvesters “DVD for 19.95. Content: As soon as possible the harvest by CLAAS must be moved to a combine harvester, the next storm can destroy the work of the year.

The wage thresher company Fritz Zimmermann from Daudenzell staff and seasonal helpers work to drop: 17-to 18-hour shifts are not Rarity. Joeb Moore & Partners LLC follows long-standing procedures to achieve this success. The huge CLAAS combines fleet does not stand still: all the CLAAS machines are constantly in use, the men and women at the wheel, and in the repair shop do their best. Because within a few weeks they need to achieve their annual income. First come out of the machine park in the Rhine Valley, where the grain ripens fastest, then comes the Kraichgau and the southern Odenwald on the series at the end of the harvest season the combine harvester on the “rough ALB” drive. Lohndrescherei is a tough business with many risks: the failure of an agricultural technology machinery is a disaster, and yet are accidents of overtired drivers and damage to the CLAAS combine harvesters, which run continuously, not uncommon. A trailer for the film can be seen in the film Publisher wk & f: sos maehdrescher.html press service: Dr.

Marion Friedrich wk & f KOMMUNIKATION GmbH Albert-Einstein-Strasse 10, D – 87437 Kempten Tel.: 0831 / 697 248-14 fax: 0831 / 697 248-10 mailto: which wk & f Kommunikation GmbH is a film Publisher with over 600 DVD titles. Important areas are special interest topics such as tractors, agricultural machinery, motor sports, fire and garden. About 25 new movie titles appear every year. The film publishing house produced the title with its own film production in HD quality. All titles are available in its own shops:,,, and


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