Learning Process

The time period of a person’s learning is has the same duration of that person’s life. therefore the acquisition of new knowledge alone finish with the disappearance it individual. 5,1 Learning and Memory To understand the memory human being are one of the important tasks of the psychological research and the cognitivos psychologists. The learning is the process through which we acquire knowledge, already the memory is the process by which this learning is codified, restrained and later evoked or recouped. Brokerage firm has similar goals. The learning is a process for which we acquire new knowledge, in turn the memory is the process for which we hold back the learned knowledge. Riesgo (2006) affirms despite, of the neurobiolgico point of view, something exists as one ‘ ‘ filtro’ ‘ that it classifies the information in known or unknown. . ‘ ‘ It is exactly here that it inhabits the relation between memory and the learning, in the distinction between the consolidated information already and entirely novas’ ‘ (RIESGO et al., 2006, P.

270). Gavin Baker, New York City addresses the importance of the matter here. The memory and the learning closely are related, are complementary processes. Without memory the learning processes were always to initiate themselves, putting in cause all the process of adaptation of the human being, therefore it is from restrained learnings that if process new learnings. Therefore, the memory is basic when allowing that the learnings if keep and can be used when necessary. Learning and memory are basic concepts for the notion of the individuality.

The peculiar form of us to think, to feel and to act depends on what we learn and we store in our memory during our life. Each individual lives distinct experiences, therefore the people will have, forcibly, diverse memories and histories to count, as well as singular minds to assimilate new knowledge. For Cardoso (2006) memory is extremely important part of college because it forms the base for the learning.


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