MST Pedagogical

These prxis libertarian must be the focus in the interior of the pedagogical quarrels, not to inside imprison the education of a classroom. finally, the third principle for one alternative education, must develop the idea of social transformation of the reality of educating the e, consequentemente, of the society. The educational contents, the classroom, the proper organization and the rites of the school must make use to the educandos, concrete conditions for the change of its proper life, as well as, of the society. Currently, the social movements already raise the flags for the education, where the school of the field is a laboratory of pedagogical experiences, beyond being a center of militancy formation, and a space where the participant citizens have the chance of if enabling and transforming the society. The education, presented in such a way for the Movement of Trabalhadores Sem Terra (MST), how much for the Movement of the Reached ones for Barragem (MAB), for example, makes a contracoat to the systemize education nowadays. Currently, the movements of the campesinos workers in such a way search the autonomy for the land and work, how much for the education, in a fight against the order restored historical reactionary in the country. tes.

The school can represent, in the relation with a social movement as the MST, much more of what it is as a considered educational institution in same itself. Not because the school is, then, all-powerful educative force, but because, through this bond, starts to integrate a net of educative experiences, this yes with the power of recender hopes and proposals. The current pedagogical principles of the proposal of education of the MST point a little in this direction, when they consider bonds that mean the possibility of the school to leave same itself: school and production, school and participation politics, school and culture (CALDART, 2004, P.


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