Persian Architecture

In this part of law the code of Workmanships of the city of Salt mines is presented. Following, plant low, cut and rises they include in the drawing architectural, in the plant. If you would like to know more about brokerage firm, then click here. Each element with its ways to be done, its rules and too much comments. 6,1 Definition of Architecture the architecture is a science and an art appearing of many others, Landmark words Vitrvio Polio, the first one to give a definition on the architecture, in 25 middles of B.C. Architecture comes of the Greek: arch (main), and tkton (construction), and if relate the technique to project and to build environments that will be busy for the human being, treats more specifically on the organization of the space and its elements, for example: aesthetic organization and. It involves design and engloba since the furniture drawing until the drawing of the landscape, city or region. The architecture had its slow and gradual development, in accordance with conditions partners and politics of the regions. Perhaps this difficulty of evolution if must for diverse factors, amongst them the main one is the not-evolution of the construction materials, that durantes centuries were basically rock, brick and whitewash.

On the antiquity, the man based its life around diverse deuses, always subordinated to the power the holy ghost, therefore the main monuments architectural of the time were based on these msticas figures, being the main buildings of the cities the palaces and temples, most of the time sacred. The elements of the old architecture summarize in walls, columns and coverings, that is, elements heavy that left the heavy workmanship. Cupolas and you vault are the great ones discovered and made of the time. The Egyptian and Persian Architecture, is main examples of this case. Old architecture Greek Source: of old Greece/images/architecture-da-Greece-antig.jpg the architect had that to be a intuitiva figure, making its works following the religion or belief of the time.


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