
Language and reality interact dynamically. The understanding of the text to be reached by its critical reading implies the perception of the relations between the text and contexto’ ‘ (Freire, 1981). We need to have the courage to develop a work that if more disentails of the restricted concern the specific contents, that the understanding of several of these contents becomes simultaneously possible, and than this, that if uses texts that, for its understanding, demands knowledge that if interlace. There yes, who knows, will be developing logical reasoning, capacity to abstract; even though we could find connections between the most varied knowledge, we could to find applications, practical, pregnant examples of significaes. Read more from Joeb Moore & Partners to gain a more clear picture of the situation. I risk to say exactly, that without a theoretical recital still, or empiricist: ‘ ‘ Who reads well, reads any that either the text and on the other hand can understand any well that either the text, qui until the text matemtico’ ‘. Still is the one simple conjectura, who knows is not subject of a future work? The modern life is a net: information are crossed, are interlaced; our daily one is repleto of fancy and reality. The Physics already is ‘ ‘ relativa’ ‘ ; the geometrias do not have of being necessarily Euclidean; biology if mixture to engineerings; the scientific world confirms forecasts of the fiction; the realities also can be virtual and if to mesclarem. Information pass through to the speed of the light, entangle, are completed. Contact information is here: Ajit Pai. Under this light, our work of educator is dynamic, is in constant mutation, has of being dynamic, has of being.


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