SWOT Company

The graduate program of the speciality of management of the quality and productivity of Faces of the University of Carabobo is providing its participants through workshops, lectures, courses, the way how it can induce change, knowing face barriers and lead for human resources to undertake, thanks to emphasise the relevance, reach that provides total quality to the company for the competitiveness and conquest in the present of markets. Emphasis is on assessing as authentic is the current organizational culture that prevails in the Organization, as this has benefited to the organizational behavior, climate and that progress has been made with it. The determination of the weaknesses, strengths, threats, and opportunities that are generated with the organizational culture of the present is done through a SWOT. This adds how management, responsible for production must introduce quality programmes total according to the characteristics of the company Juran (1990 proposes some specific rules to shift culture towards the improvement of the quality: treating people with dignity and make constructive changes create a favorable organizational climate gradually start fluently), so that fewer apprehensions will risest. Perform test pilots. Promote the participation of the company during the planning and implementation of change to provide sufficient time for the receiving organization to evaluate the advantages of the changing face of threats and their values find an accommodation with the defenders. Work with the recognized leader of the culture that often is informal respond positively to the problems raised by employees interweave change within an already existing and accepted the cultural pattern part.

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