United Nations

Of this form we will learn as to act and until where we can arrive in the exploration of the natural resources ' '. When analyzing the consideraes of Sariego, we can strengthen that since the sprouting of the man in the Land, the frequency and the types of ambient impact have increased and diversified […]

MST Pedagogical

These prxis libertarian must be the focus in the interior of the pedagogical quarrels, not to inside imprison the education of a classroom. finally, the third principle for one alternative education, must develop the idea of social transformation of the reality of educating the e, consequentemente, of the society. The educational contents, the classroom, the […]

Special Settlers

Dispossession and eviction of the dispossessed families in remote, deep and uninhabited regions of the USSR are the two sides of this tragic process. The main provisions of dispossession and eviction of "kulak" families instructions contained in the CEC and the CPC of the USSR from February 4, 1930 It TsIKam and Sovnarkom union and […]

Russian Preparatory

Bez vysshego obrazovaniya live, of course, possible, but much better to be a man vysokoobrazovannym. Nalichie diploma gives life mnogo vozmozhnostey from its destination pryamogo – uluchsheniya kolichestva and kachestva znany cheloveka, and even do kosvennyh very distant from svyazannyh ucheboy – avtoritetnost in obschestve, samorealizatsiya. * If you have decided you Dazhe rabotat ne […]

Professor Challenges

This occurs when the professor passes to its classroom, and to if coming across with a pupil attacking the other, either verbally or physically, it finishes for saying that event does not say respect to it and that it is there only for giving the lesson. Or due to pressure he estresse and it day […]

The Learning

The tutor has the paper to foment the quarrel, the exchange of experiences and the creation of collective intelligence by means of synchronous or asynchronous tools. But what to wait of a pupil on-line? To the end of a course on-line expects the cognitivo domain in the evaluation and synthesis, analysis, application, understanding, knowledge aspects. […]

The Heart

Many say that our heart is just a suction blood pump. It is curious however, that we tend to relate it to values and feelings as love, evil, generosity, meanness and others … What is so special in our hearts that motivates us to relate it to values and feelings? Concepts such as whole-heartedly, good-hearted, […]

Necessary Physical Spaces

The language extends the cognitivo development because it favors the relationship and it provides the ways of control of what it is it are of reach for the lack of the vision. So that the learning is complete becomes necessary to supply a systematic programming to it of experiences, giving emphasis the concrete learning and […]

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