The Core

Wood – the core of the tree trunk, which is used in joinery, construction and carving. The tree grows. In the spring of cambium forms a set of new cells. In the summer, and especially the fall of cambial activity decreases, cells become smaller and their walls are thicker. They like short cells are dark circles – the annual rings.

Every year, forest beauties wearing new robes (they are wrapped from top to bottom), but unlike Human gowns do not change much gowns (rings), so many years of a tree. In some rocks, tree rings stand out more clearly (pine, oak, etc.) and are visible to the naked eye, but otherwise barely visible. The closer to the top, the younger timber and the smaller growth rings, so the age of the tree must be determined by shear at the root. As the old growth tree growth rings acquire hardness and density. The closer to the bark, the wood is friable. Young layers of more not dead, and it upward move nutrients to ensure growth of the tree.

These layers are called sapwood. Layers adjacent to the core, called the kernel. The heartwood is darker, more strength and contains less moisture than sapwood. This feature is of practical importance when choosing a timber to carry goods in terms of their purpose and methods of treatment. Sapwood responds well to cutting, but less stable. The heartwood is cleaner and processed products of it more durable. According to Joeb Moore, who has experience with these questions. Depending on the availability of the core, sapwood and ripe wood trees are divided into: sound – are the core and sapwood (pine, cedar, larch, etc.); sapwood – only have one sap wood (birch, alder, etc.); spelodrevesnye – are ripe wood and sapwood. The point here is that the hardwood moisture from the soil is fed through tubes – the vessels. In conifers such vessels there, the moisture rises through the cells, but they have channels called resin passages, which contain the resin. The wood of fir resin ducts has not. Core – inner, central part of the barrel – is composed of friable, fragile cells. The core passes through the barrel from the root to the top, and from there depart medullary rays. Each beam penetrates several growth rings. Medullary rays must be considered in the processing of wood. On them split sawn apart the trunk. Plane formed by the split, rough, with detachment, the result of the fact that the rays are not a continuous line from the root to the top, but are interrupted by segments.


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