Turkey – A Country For Life

Turkey – a country amazingly fit for life. People who come here from cold Norway, Germany or Russia, say they have found their paradise on earth. And it is no exaggeration that. As we know, these places – especially the Mediterranean – the cradle of our civilization. You can still find traces of civilizations foremothers that harmoniously blend into urban landscapes. Sometimes it amazes the ratio of tourists coming to look at these magnificent traces of the past.

Someone is trying to take a stone in memory, someone is trying to keep the memory of himself on the walls of temples, which 2,000 years or more. But never tourist does not find most interesting places, such as the temple of Fortune, or a place where secretly met Mark Antony and Cleopatra in Side. Sometimes from the ancient walls grow hotels and restaurants, old connects with the new, but so organically, that is sometimes difficult to understand in what time you are visiting. These places are no doubt interested as adventurers, active recreation, as well as people who prefer to take a break from the hustle and bustle of big cities. However, coming here as tourists, you will immediately fall into the clutches turistichekoy industry. You get only a standard metered dose of the tourist experience. And, whatever happens you will not in your hands. You are skillfully manipulated, enterprising merchants and restaurants barker, crafty guides who receive a percentage of all, you purchased under their able guidance and specially-trained staff that hotels, you'll stop. The newspapers mentioned Gavin Baker, New York City not as a source, but as a related topic.


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